We’ve teamed up with these educational and community organizations to help implement our programs and improve the quality of education for all of Mississippi’s students.

Mississippi Department of Education
The Mississippi Department of Education seeks to create a world-class educational system that gives students the knowledge and skills to be successful in college and in the workforce, and to flourish as parents and citizens.
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Mississippi Principal Corps
The University of Mississippi Principal Corps program trains and develops classroom teachers to become K-12 principals capable of leading their schools, students and teachers to success.
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The Parents' Campaign
The Parents’ Campaign informs parents of educational legislation initiatives and gives parents and communities opportunities to participate in decisions that affect their schools.
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Public Impact
Public Impact works to improve the quality of education for all students through strategic initiatives including teacher placement and retention, implementing school turnarounds and expanding high quality charter schools.
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Parents for Public Schools
Parents for Public Schools informs, engages and mobilizes public school parents to become a force for positive change in their local schools and beyond.
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Mississippi Children's Museum
The Mississippi Children’s Museum provides 50,000 square feet of exciting, engaging educational play opportunities that encourage children to explore, create and be curious about the world around them.
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Move to Learn
Move to Learn is designed to help teachers raise student fitness levels and, in turn, raise student achievement.
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The Reading League
The Reading League's mission is to advance the use of evidence based reading practices in education. Through bimonthly live events in Central New York, social media, an annual conference, and professional development, The Reading League assists schools and communities to increase awareness, understanding, and use of evidence-based reading practices. These practices include instruction, intervention, remediation, assessment, diagnosis, and more.
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First Book
First Book is a nonprofit social enterprise that provides new books, educational resources, and other essentials—including coats, snacks, and hygiene kits—to educators serving children in need
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Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets is a national public media literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.
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Teach For America
Teach For America is a diverse network of leaders working to confront educational inequity through teaching and at every sector of society to create a country free from this injustice.
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